Join me in the...
Navigating Divorce Group
You Are Not Alone.
This is a small, yet powerful support group that becomes your safe space for you to vent, gain insight and clarity, get inspiration and peace.
*Only 5 people max in the group.
The Navigating Divorce Group...
Is the place where you will find the support you desperately need & deserve during a time of change, upleveling and ultimately deep healing.
Whether you are considering divorce or are already in the throes of it, this is the place to be. You are not alone. I have been there and so have the other 4 people you will be sharing this sacred space with. We will be meeting LIVE weekly over Zoom® for 8 weeks. This will become your safe place, your go to when in need of venting, gaining insight, inspiration or just to not feel ALONE in this.
We will be exploring all stages of the process of separation from a spiritual perspective and the emotional rollercoaster that is inevitable.
At the end of these 8 weeks, you will gain tools, support, community, answers, clarity and a strength & peace in you that you didn't know existed.
Please join us for this healing journey around Divorce and REBIRTH.
Enrollment Is Now Open
Starts March 3, 2022
The group calls are 1.5 hours, once a week for 8 weeks.
Thursdays at 4pm (Pacific US Time)
*Maximum of 5 people per group.
*All calls will be recorded just in case you can’t make a session.
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Investment: $1600
There are 4 payment options to choose from. See below.
This group is perfect for anyone who cannot afford my one-on-one coaching fee ($350/hr) and likes to share in a small group of 5 people max.
What I have found in the other groups I teach is a community that forms quickly. You realize you are not alone, other people experience exactly what you do. You feel connected to like-minded people and you gain the kind of support you maybe never had.
Group work has become one of my favorite ways to connect others and heal rapidly.
I am excited to meet you and jump right into support and healing!
About Candace
Candace van Dell is a healer, coach and guide. She was born highly sensitive to energies, spiritual understandings and the physical world reality. Her gifts often felt like a burden as they were greatly misunderstood by her family and society at large.
After years of traveling the world and seeking spiritual law, she started to open up to and own her unique wisdom. This led her into her calling as a spiritual teacher and healer.
Candace has many certifications and degrees, but she does not teach anything she has not had to learn herself. She does not talk from books or other's knowledge, her work was born from healing her own emotional wounds throughout her lifetime.
Her method is to "Get real about how you feel so you can heal." Emotional authenticity and honesty is the tool we all need to live our full life and to be guided gracefully home from our wounding. Once we heal the inner child, we can step into the purpose & life we were born to lead.